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7 min read

The usual mistakes in the organization of the prize game

Let's show it with an example

Your prize game has ended and you are satisfied with the result:
You have the highest number of participations so far, great!
You managed to make the campaign profitable.
You spent a significant budget and as a measurable result you have ... the number of participants?

For next time our suggestion would be

With all the effort and expense you have invested, at least find out the following information from the customers 🕵️
How do they see your product?
Wwhat are the advantages of your product?

Objective possibilities

Raffles include the possibility to find out what exactly they think about the product. 

Ho to do it? Through a series of questions to customers using already existing mechanisms.


We started to work in this industry when, in order to enter a contest, customers had to buy newspapers, make clippings and send them to companies - hoping that the mail would even get through. But we abruptly stopped that with the SMS revolution in prize games. Since then, until today, people enter the sweepstakes using SMS registration. 

AGAIN, we have a technological advantage in that we are the only ones in Croatia to enable entry into the prize draw using the WhatsApp application. And all this without additional, hidden costs! Contest can pop up on your news feed or on your phone, and the process you have to go through is literally just a few clicks. The easier it is to participate, the higher the turnout—as well as the number of registrants.

Now all these technologies can finally help us to find out directly from the users what they want, how they think and everything else that interests us. And all this on a scale that was unimaginable until now.

The reason research is so valuable is that customers who buy your exact product or a competitor's but within the same class. We do not have to look for these people among the population of the Republic of Croatia (a very expensive process that usually has a very small sample), but they come to us by themselves.

How many people bought a competitor's product because of our influence? How many didn't? Due to the mechanics of this raffle, participants can buy, for example, competitors' product within a certain group of products and participate in the raffle with it. All participants will be offered double participation if they buy product of our sponsor. How many will cross to our sponsor? How much will they stay true to their brand? How many of them will "bring" the whole society to the sponsor camp? How many participants will participate in multiple classes and will switch from morning coffee to evening beer?

We have the option of comparing data when we are going to promote another brand. In this way (longitudinal approach), the most valuable information is obtained and trends and seasonality can be measured.