
How to Use Survey Giveaways to Motivate Participants

Written by Andrej Steven Horvat | 02.5.2023. Tue 17:29

Surveys are an important tool for collecting valuable feedback from customers or stakeholders. However, getting people to participate in surveys can be a challenge. One way to increase participation rates is to offer survey giveaways. In this article, we will discuss how to use survey giveaways to motivate participants and improve survey response rates.

  1. Determine the Prize
    The first step in using survey giveaways is to determine the prize. The prize should be something that is relevant to your audience and valuable enough to motivate them to participate. It could be a product, service, or gift card.
  2. Make it Clear
    When promoting the survey, make it clear that participants will be offered a giveaway. This will help motivate people to complete the survey and give them an incentive to take the time to provide feedback.
  3. Set Clear Guidelines
    Set clear guidelines for how the giveaway will be awarded. Will it be a random drawing, or will it be awarded to the first 100 respondents? Make sure participants understand the rules and how winners will be chosen.
  4. Promote the Giveaway
    Promote the giveaway to your audience through various channels such as social media, email, or your website. Make sure to emphasize the value of the prize and the benefits of participating in the survey.
  5. Track and Follow Up
    Once the survey has closed and the winner has been selected, track the results of the survey and follow up with the winner. This will show participants that their feedback is valued and appreciated.
  6. Use the Results
    Use the results of the survey to make improvements to your business or organization. Share the results with participants and let them know how their feedback has been used.

    Surveys are a great tool for gathering feedback from customers and stakeholders. However, getting people to participate in surveys can be a challenge. To increase survey response rates, businesses often turn to sweepstakes or rewards. In this article, we will explore the differences between sweepstakes and rewards and how they can impact survey response rates.


    Sweepstakes are a type of incentive where participants have the chance to win a prize through a random drawing. The prize can be a large item, such as a vacation, or a smaller item, such as a gift card. Sweepstakes are often used to motivate people to complete surveys as they offer a chance to win a prize without any upfront effort.


    Rewards are incentives that are given to participants who complete a survey. They can be monetary, such as a gift card, or non-monetary, such as access to exclusive content or early access to a new product or service. Rewards are given as a thank you for completing the survey and can be used to build loyalty and engagement.

    Which is better for increasing survey response rates?

    Both sweepstakes and rewards can be effective in increasing survey response rates, but they work in different ways. Sweepstakes appeal to people's desire for a chance to win something valuable without any upfront effort. Rewards, on the other hand, appeal to people's desire for recognition and appreciation for their time and effort.

    When deciding between sweepstakes and rewards, consider the goals of the survey and the audience. If the survey is focused on collecting feedback from loyal customers, rewards may be a better option as they can build loyalty and engagement. If the survey is focused on reaching a broader audience, sweepstakes may be a better option as they can motivate people who may not be as invested in the brand or product.

    In conclusion, sweepstakes and rewards can both be effective in increasing survey response rates. When deciding which to use, consider the goals of the survey and the audience. By using the right incentive, businesses can improve response rates and gather valuable feedback from their customers and stakeholders.

    In conclusion, survey giveaways can be an effective way to motivate participants and improve survey response rates. By following these simple steps, you can create a successful survey giveaway campaign that provides valuable feedback and engages your audience.